5 games to play outside in the rain
Someone once said: "There's no such thing as bad weather, just bad equipment". So the next time it rains, rather than coop yourself up at home, dress your children warmly, slip them into a waterproof, windproof suit and rain boots, and take them outside to enjoy the fresh air! You'll see that rainy weather is a great opportunity to vary your activities.
Don't believe us? We've put together a selection of 5 games to play outside in the rain...
1 - Observing snails
When it rains from mid-season onwards, snails start to appear in the wild.
Ask your children to look for them, observing the different types you find (their size, colors, etc.) and their behavior. You can suggest that they take them in their hand to feel their "foot" (as the slimy body is called) move over their skin. Show them the slime trails they produce to slide more easily across the floor. You can also try feeding them with different kinds of plants.
Finally, you could try organizing a snail race. Everyone chooses their favorite snail, puts them on a starting line and watches to see which one reaches the goal first (it's likely that none of them will, because they'll go off in all directions, but that's okay).
Please note! It goes without saying that we don't mistreat the poor little beasts.
2 - Collect rainwater to water your houseplants or garden
Make rainwater harvesting tubs from basins, halved bottles and other containers. Be creative to optimize your rainwater harvesting surface.
Take the opportunity to explain the water cycle and the importance of saving water to your children. Measure the amount of water you've collected at the end of the shower. You can also build a rain gauge with older children.
After a shower, water the houseplants or vegetable garden with the fruit of the harvest!
3 - Racing objects in streams
Put leaves or small sticks in the streams that form in the paths and see which one moves faster. You can also get your children to build a small boat or raft using whatever materials they can find (small sticks, nutshells, etc.), and then help launch it into the water. Take care to use only natural materials, so as not to pollute the watercourse you'll be using.
4 - Bake mud pies
Declare the Patouille party officially open!!! Attention parents, this requires a certain amount of letting go Give your children buckets, spades, or various instruments from their little indoor kitchen, and let them express their creativity. You might get a grass cake, a mud pie or a pebble soup.
Variation: the mud sculpture. Build the most beautiful mud sculpture you can. It won't be easy!
5 - Jump in puddles
Classic but INDEMODABLE! Get your boots on and jump in the puddles with your kids.
The key is to be well equipped 😁
What about equipment?
If that doesn't convince you, you're probably still looking for the right equipment. Here's a small selection of integral waterproof suits to keep your little darlings dry in all weathers!